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Israel’s own Elbit Systems will develop and produce a surveillance system for Cyprus

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An agreement was reached between the Israeli and Cypriot governments awarding Israeli high technology company Elbit Systems a 27.5-million-euro contract for a surveillance system. The head of the Israel Defence Ministry’s Directorate for International Defense Cooperation, former Brigadier General Yair Kulas and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Cyprus Andreas Louka were the ones who signed the agreement on the fourth of November. The contract has a duration of three years and reports state the system will most likely be used along the border between Cyprus and the Turkish-controlled part north of the island. The surveillance system is expected to aid the Cypriot forces in controlling the flow of asylum seeker and illegal goods coming from the Turkish-controlled part of the country. A region that has been under foreign control since 1974 and cut off from the rest of the country by the United Nations Buffer Zone also known as the Green Line. The northern part of the country remains unrecognized by all other members of the UN except for Turkey.

Cyprus has since 2015 seen an exponential rise in the arrival of asylum seekers on its borders, mostly persons fleeing the Syrian conflict. Per capita, Cyprus is now the EU country with the most asylum seekers. Elbit Systems is expected to start construction as soon as possible and have its equipment ready for use in three years’ time.

The deal struck between the Israelis and Cypriots falls in line with a growing trend of bettering Israeli relations with Cyprus and Greece and a colder approach to Turkey. As they signed the agreement for the surveillance system, military officials of both sides used the opportunity to discuss further cooperation on defence. In 2019 the Israeli drone producer Aeronautics had already sold some of their products to the Cypriot forces, and in 2020 discussions on trilateral energy with Greece saw a start. According to Israeli media, militaries of both countries concerned have already experienced training together, and future joint military drills are in the planning stages.


Written by Victor Ferreira