Legal Implications of a Ukrainian Defeat on European Defence

This paper examines the potential strategic and legal consequences for the European Union’s defence cooperation following a hypothetical defeat of Ukraine. With the EU deeply involved in supporting Ukraine against Russian aggression, the implications of a possible defeat go beyond immediate military losses and encompasses broader ramifications for the EU and NATO, especially in their military defence, cooperation, and credibility. This paper focuses on how defeat could affect European military strategy, its legal position on defence commitments and the Union’s overall political cohesion.

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Jus ad bellum: Protecting Sovereignty and Diplomatic Immunity in the Israel-Iran conflict

In the complex landscape of international relations, the right to self-defence is fundamental in shaping state action when faced with aggression. This right is set within the framework of international law through the United Nations (UN) Charter in article 51 (UN Charter, 1945), which delineates the limits to how states can respond to threats to their sovereignty and security. Recent events, such as the Iran-Israeli conflict, have reopened discussions on the application and interpretation of the right of self-defence. As tensions escalate and geopolitical dynamics evolve, it is essential to take a closer look at the legal foundation of states’ notion of self-defence and its relevance in contemporary conflicts. This article examines the nature of self-defence in international law and explores its core elements through an analysis of the recent retaliatory spiral that started with Israel’s strike on Iran’s embassy in Syria.

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Western military and financial support to Ukraine

After more than two years of war, Ukraine is experiencing a shortage of ammunition and military equipment, since the United States and European partner's struggle to resupply the country’s military (Bertrand & Bo Lillis, 2024). The lack of ammunition and personnel is having direct consequences on Ukraine’s position on the battlefield, as it deteriorates, Russia achieves new tactical successes near the village of Berdychi and Semenivka, both north of Avdiivka (Al Jazeera, 2024) a city captured by Russia in March 2024. The threat of a Ukrainian significant loss has prompted the European Union, the EU Member States, and the United States to consider sending military and financial aid packages in 2024 to respond to Ukraine’s shortages.

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Securing Europe: France’s Defence Strategy Amidst Rising European Industry Growth and Defence Readiness

In the past years, the Mediterranean Sea has become a theatre of both tragedy and lifesaving efforts, as the ongoing migration crisis has prompted a surge in sea rescue operations. Amidst this complex landscape, the Iuventa case stands out as a pivotal case study, representing the challenges faced by humanitarian NGOs engaged in saving lives at sea. This paper explores the legal framework governing sea rescue operations and analyses the legal intricacies and landmark decision of the Iuventa trial before the Italian Court.

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The Iuventa Case and the Criminalisation of Sea Rescue Operations

In the past years, the Mediterranean Sea has become a theatre of both tragedy and lifesaving efforts, as the ongoing migration crisis has prompted a surge in sea rescue operations. Amidst this complex landscape, the Iuventa case stands out as a pivotal case study, representing the challenges faced by humanitarian NGOs engaged in saving lives at sea. This paper explores the legal framework governing sea rescue operations and analyses the legal intricacies and landmark decision of the Iuventa trial before the Italian Court.

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