Is AI the Future of the Military?

Over the last seventy years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made incredible progress in leaps and bounds. First introduced by John McCarthy during the 1950s, he described AI as the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computers and programmes studied (McCarthy, 2007). More specifically, he invented the LISP programming language in 1958 using the lambda calculus, which was a major milestone in the development of advanced artificial intelligence applications (Allganize, 2020). Thereafter, AI has expanded its ties in several fields, including the civilian and military sectors. On the one hand, big companies such as Amazon and Google have used these tools to build vast commercial empires based in part on predicting the wants and needs of the people who use them (Gatopoulos, Aljazeera, 2021). On the other hand, the development of AI in the military originated a few decades before and has been more intense and challenging.

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The EU at the Doorstep of the EU-NATO Joint Declaration : Time to Say Adieu to Berlin Plus

Three years have passed since the EU-NATO Joint Declaration of Brussels in 2018. This troubled period that has seen the stepping down of key institutional leaders in both the EU and US left the West with an underlying feeling of imminent change in the operational relationship between the EU and the Alliance. This feeling can be summarised by European Commission President von Der Leyen in her State of the Union speech in September 2021:

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Defending The EU Against Cyber Operations Mechanisms, Challenges And Cooperation With NATO

The security of the cybersphere, both on a national and international level, has always been threatened by the actions and crimes committed by malicious cyber operators. The sophistication and the potential pervasiveness of their cyber threats have attracted the attention of various States and international organisations, including the European Union (EU) and NATO, prompting further cooperation and the provision of effective legal instruments for the protection of cyberspace and its users.

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The Withdrawal from Afghanistan: a Renewed Push for the Creation of a Common EU force

On the 15th of September 2021, during the annual State of the Union speech in front of the European Parliament (EP) in Strasbourg, the European Commission (EC) President Ursula von der Leyen commented on the recent events in Afghanistan, which culminated in the toppling of the Presidency of Ashraf Ghani after the conquest of Kabul by the Taliban. The crisis was exacerbated by the end of the Western military missions in the country, Operation Freedom’s Sentinel (the U.S. mission which replaced the previous Operation Enduring Freedom in 2015) and the NATO-led multinational Resolute Support Mission, which had operated in Afghanistan since 2015 as the successor of the International Security Assistance Force.

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Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA)

When the Covid-19 crisis led to a lockdown of all activities, the lack of digital literacy from governmental bodies and defence personal exposed both a new threat and an opportunity. Bearing this situation in mind, NATO members (NM) have agreed at the 31st annual summit, held in June 2020 in Brussels, to initiate the Defence Innovation Accelerator of the North Atlantic (DIANA) that aims to reach full operability capacities by 2023. DIANA is NATO’s version of the U.S Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). It will reinforce transatlantic cooperation regarding critical technologies to assure the security and defence digital literacy of NM.

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