Nato Support Mission to Earthquake Relief Efforts in Turkey

NATO, when required, carries out disaster relief operations and missions in response to natural or humanitarian disasters. In response to the devastating earthquakes in Turkey in February 2023, NATO established temporary shelters for thousands of people and coordinated an airbridge to deliver vital supplies from allies and partners. The mission, complying with the general principles of International Humanitarian Law, acted in a very unstable political environment, considering the strategic position of Turkey as a powerful state in the Mediterranean Sea and a member of the Alliance. This paper analyses the legal framework in which the mission has been acting, and its conformity to it,as well as its political implications in the light of the complex diplomatic relations between Turkey, United States, and NATO.

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Expanding Horizons: Assessing the Implications of EU Enlargement towards Moldova, Ukraine, and Georgia for European Security & Military Cooperation

In an era marked by dynamic geopolitical shifts and evolving security challenges, the European Union (EU) finds itself at the crossroads of an ambitious endeavour, namely the broadening of its horizons to integrate Moldova, Ukraine, and Georgia. As the EU works towards extending its reach to the eastern fringes of Europe, the implications of doing so extend beyond political and economic integration. This analysis delves into a critical facet of this transformative process, specifically the ramifications for European military interoperability. In a historic turn of events, Moldova, Ukraine, and Georgia have pursued EU membership since early 2022. Following a rigorous evaluation process and exercise of political will, the three Eastern Partnership countries were granted candidate status, signifying a step toward their full integration into the EU. The year 2023 marked a pivotal moment, with negotiations for accession formally opened in December for both Moldova and Ukraine (European Commission, 2023).

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Are Laser Weapon Systems the Solution to Drone Dominated Conflicts?

Currently, there is no effective international legal consensus which defines the use of drones as weapons, despite a steep rise in their use by states, both in the proportion of modern air forces and volume of military operations. This trend is especially concerning due to their employment by non-state actors in hybrid warfare, as it has been reported it happened in the Red Sea. Until an effective legal consensus is agreed upon by states, developing a physical solution to drone attacks seems to be the United Kingdom’s objective. The UK’s new laser-based weapons system, DragonFire, provides a window into how states are preparing for a future of drone-dominated conflicts.

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An EU Space Law on the Horizon: Decoding Legal Foundations and Navigating Policy Frontiers

In recent years and through the dissemination of documents, strategic initiatives, and legislative measures, the European Union recognised the need for a substantial space regulation framework that would ensure responsible and sustainable activities in outer space. Member States [MSs] have begun drafting national laws to meet space-related challenges such as satellite proliferation, risks of congestion and collision, and security threats against space assets (European Commission, 2023a). To mitigate fragmentation, the EU is ready to establish a dedicated legal framework that aligns withinternational space law within its legal system. As a matter of fact, in the EU Space Strategy for Security and Defence of March 2023, the Commission announced that it is working on the proposal for an EU Space Law. This legal instrument will be available in early 2024 and will allegedly envisage common EU rules for the safety, resilience and sustainability of space activities and operations. The risk of fragmentation in the absence of a regulatory framework canimpact the competitiveness, security, and worldwide influence of EU industries in international fora (European Commission, 2023a). This mesmerising topic has attracted interest from academia, industry, and the private and public sectors which expressed their views through a targeted consultation.

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An Analysis of the Interplay between Environmental Regulations and Armed Forces

In an era where environmental concerns are at the forefront of international discourse, this paper examines the intersection of legislation governing environmental protection and the activities of military forces worldwide with a particular focus on European Union Member States. To this end, case studies such as that of the 1991 Kuwaiti oil fires and oil spills are employed to illustrate instances where armed forces have disregarded environmental mandates. The tension between military necessities and environmental protection forms a central theme, prompting a critical evaluation of the inherent conflicts and potential synergies. The paper concludes by highlighting the need for more consistent legislation as well as a more holistic approach to the protection of the environment. In essence, this paper highlights that there is no complete and comprehensive legal framework regarding the protection of the environment in general, let alone in military contexts.

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