The New German Vision of the EU a Geopolitical Power: Implications of the “zeitendwende”  doctrine for the EU’s security and defence (Part I)

On Monday 29th 2022, the German Chancellor delivered one of founding speech preparing the future Germany’s EU policy. Four years after Emmanuel Macron’s Sorbonne speech, Olaf Scholz drew in sand 4 pillars of upcoming changes for the EU as a geopolitical entity and aspiring global power. However, even if the EU has been already operating deep change at some levels, just "noting a change of era does not yet make a programme" (Mennerat, 2022). Therefore, this two-part paper aims to explore the origine and the echoes of this concept and then, the legals implication of the most substantial proposals made by the German Chancellor for the EU’s defence and security future.

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The Moscow Army Expo 2022 takes place amid the Russia-Ukraine war

The international military-technical forum "Army-2022" officially opened on August 15 and lasted until August 21 in the Moscow Region Exhibition Centre "Patriot". The event was organised by the Russian Ministry of Defence. The format of the forum included exhibitions, demonstrations, scientific and business programs as well as cultural and artistic events. The dominant agenda topics of business events were artificial intelligence technologies and the diversification of the Russian defence industry. (Aviation&Defence Universe, 2022). The annual expo comes nearly six months after the start of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and it included a variety of “family-friendly” exhibits designed to promote the Kremlin’s propaganda narrative. (Meduza, 2022).

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Rethinking the EU Common Foreign and Defence Policy – New Proposals from the Ambrosetti Club

The State of the Union address held on 14 September 2022 has emphasized the unprecedented economic and geopolitical challenges that the EU and its member states are facing. The president of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, has highlighted the main topics of the agenda and has provided initiatives for the coming year. As expected, the speech focused mainly on the war in Ukraine, and counted on the special presence of Olena Zelenska as the guest of honour at the hemicycle.

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Policy recommendations for defence considering Von der Leyen’s speech on the State of the Union

On the morning of the 14th of September 2022, in the European Parliament, the State of the European Union (SOTEU) took place. Ursula Von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, had a very passionate speech touching upon the main priorities of the European Union for the present and the future. In her discourse, but more in general on all the interventions of the other European Parliament Members, some interesting insights for the European defence industry, and European militaries can be drawn.  Even if military affairs were not explicitly mentioned, the priorities and the guidelines they established should be applied also to the management of the armed forces. This InfoFlash analyses the main points of Von der Leyen’s speech to apply them to the defence sector and guide future investments in a European framework of cooperation and sustainability.

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SOTEU: key points from EU’s annual speech

The State of the Union address held on 14 September 2022 has emphasized the unprecedented economic and geopolitical challenges that the EU and its member states are facing. The president of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, has highlighted the main topics of the agenda and has provided initiatives for the coming year. As expected, the speech focused mainly on the war in Ukraine, and counted on the special presence of Olena Zelenska as the guest of honour at the hemicycle.

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