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Prisoner Swap Between Russia and Ukraine 

Written by: Nia Henry

Edited by: Paola Nadal

Supervised by: Belén Padrón Salinas


On August 24th, 2024, Ukraine and Russia exchanged 115 prisoners of war (POW) on each side. This deal was the first exchange since Ukraine launched a surprise invasion of the Kursk region on August 6th (Al Jazeera 2024). The United Arab Emirates (UAE) facilitated the deal between the two countries (Al Jazeera 2024). This exchange is a crucial reminder of the human cost of war and the ongoing need for diplomatic intervention. It underscores the ongoing humanitarian efforts amidst the brutal conflict and highlights the importance of diplomatic channels, such as the UAE’s mediation, in easing tensions.

Zelenskyy Celebrates the Return of POWs Europe’s Support for Ukraine: Achievements and Areas for Improvement 

The exchange included 82 Ukrainian soldiers, many of whom had been defending the critical port city of Mariupol, which was besieged early in the war (Posaner, 2024). On the other side, the Russian servicemen who were released had been captured during Ukraine’s ongoing offensive in the Kursk region. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy celebrated the return of the POW by sharing on Twitter: “Another 115 of our defenders have returned home today” (Zelenskyy, 2024). He further highlighted the diverse military backgrounds of the prisoners as they were from the Navy, Armed Forces and the State Border Guard Service (Zelenskyy, 2024).

The United Arab Emirates’s Role as a Mediator in the Ukraine-Russia Conflict 

The UAE’s involvement in mediating the swap underscores its unique position within this conflict. Despite being a close security partner of the United States, UAE maintained its strong ties with Moscow and Kyiv throughout the war, positioning itself as a neutral mediator  (Cornwell, 2024). This exchange now brings the total number of prisoners swapped with UAE mediation to 1,788 (United Arab Emirates Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2022). It marks the seventh mediation effort by the UAE this year, which shows its successful role as a diplomatic tool in international conflicts (Cornwell, 2024).


While both Ukraine and Russia have undergone various prisoner swaps since the conflict started over two years ago, these exchanges have usually been facilitated by third parties instead of direct peace talks and communications. With Russia continuing its attacks and Ukraine pushing into Russian territory, such exchanges provide a rare moment of hope and relief. They also highlight the importance of international diplomacy in achieving humanitarian outcomes. The UAE’s ability to interact with the parties and encourage cooperation plays a vital role in these exchanges and underscores its special role in future diplomatic initiatives.


Al Jazeera. (2024, August 24). Russia and Ukraine swap 115 prisoners each in UAE-mediated exchange. Retrieved August 28, 2024, from Al Jazeera website:

Cornwell, A. (2024, August 24). Russia, Ukraine swap 115 prisoners each. Retrieved August 29, 2024, from Reuters website:

Posaner, J. (2024, August 24). Russia, Ukraine exchange prisoners of war. Retrieved August 28, 2024, from POLITICO website:

United Arab Emirates Ministry of Foreign Affairs . (2022, August 24). 230 captives released following the seventh UAE mediation effort between Russia and Ukraine. Retrieved August 28, 2024, from website:

Zelenskyy, V. [@ZelenskyyUa]. Another 115 of our defenders have returned home today. These are warriors of the National Guard, the Armed Forces, the [Tweet]. Twitter. 

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