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The European Union’s role in the XXIst century’s international system: How strong is the European Union in the security and defence sector?

Written by Nour Engueleguele.

The European Union is surrounded by powerful countries that are boosting their military strength, threatening each other, and making the international system more unstable. The EU finds itself in a delicate position. Moreover, at internal borders, Europe is facing new security issues. The EU needs to reinforce its position by strengthening its voice in face of new challenges and impose its vision of the new globalised world. To do so, it needs to enhance its political cooperation and operational coordination in the security and defence areas. By reinforcing the integration of its military forces, the EU will improve its credibility on the international scene and consolidate the legitimacy of its territory both from a regional and an international point of view. This paper will focus on the European Union’s current place on the international scene in the defence and security field. Due to the nature of international relations, the global order is constantly changing, and the balance of power needs to be re-equilibrated.