Western military and financial support to Ukraine

After more than two years of war, Ukraine is experiencing a shortage of ammunition and military equipment, since the United States and European partner's struggle to resupply the country’s military (Bertrand & Bo Lillis, 2024). The lack of ammunition and personnel is having direct consequences on Ukraine’s position on the battlefield, as it deteriorates, Russia achieves new tactical successes near the village of Berdychi and Semenivka, both north of Avdiivka (Al Jazeera, 2024) a city captured by Russia in March 2024. The threat of a Ukrainian significant loss has prompted the European Union, the EU Member States, and the United States to consider sending military and financial aid packages in 2024 to respond to Ukraine’s shortages.

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Nato Support Mission to Earthquake Relief Efforts in Turkey

NATO, when required, carries out disaster relief operations and missions in response to natural or humanitarian disasters. In response to the devastating earthquakes in Turkey in February 2023, NATO established temporary shelters for thousands of people and coordinated an airbridge to deliver vital supplies from allies and partners. The mission, complying with the general principles of International Humanitarian Law, acted in a very unstable political environment, considering the strategic position of Turkey as a powerful state in the Mediterranean Sea and a member of the Alliance. This paper analyses the legal framework in which the mission has been acting, and its conformity to it,as well as its political implications in the light of the complex diplomatic relations between Turkey, United States, and NATO.

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Is the Western Support for Ukraine Beginning to Falter? – Cracks from the US and Eastern Europe

Some of the most consequential NATO member states (MSs) which have played a major role in providing financial, military, and humanitarian aid to Kyiv since the beginning of the Ukrainian war, are now reassessing their position in this conflict. Having been the leading forces in sustaining the Ukrainian military effort against the Russian military, they are now displaying a decreasing tendency to continue on the path followed until now.

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Financing the Defence Industry – A Comparison of the Investment Climate in the European Union, United States and China

The global military expenditure rose by 3.7 per cent in real terms in 2022 to a record high of $2.24 trillion (Tian et al., 2023). The United States, China and the European Union (as the aggregated national expenditures of its member countries) make up the three largest (see first chart). Given the rising demand, governments and the defence industry are increasing their investments. Evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of each market will be essential in determining the necessary steps forward.

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The Maturation and Future of India-U.S. Defence Relations

This Info Flash provides a historical analysis of the progression of India-U.S. defence relations and its implication on the Indo-Pacific. Despite decades of apathy during the Cold War, there has been a rapid progression in India-U.S. defence cooperation amidst India’s emergence as a critical global governance actor. This is none more evident in the country’s membership and role in the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), BRICS and its current G20 chairmanship (Panda, 2020). As such, one cannot overlook the saliency of India-U.S. defence relations, particularly in its implications on the Indo-Pacific region. Therefore, this Info Flash will briefly parse through the origins of India-U.S. defence relations and its dynamic progression since the post-Soviet era. This will provide the groundwork to assess the future of India-U.S. defence relations in the coming years.

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