Strengths and Weaknesses in EU Member States’ Cooperation Through the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) Framework in Relation to Russia’s Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine.

The Russo-Ukrainian conflict has unleashed the destructive potential of modern warfare within Europe, hindering Kyiv’s sovereignty and territorial integrity while causing a massive migration wave which tested the EU’s solidarity and resilience. The EU has provided Ukraine with financial and military aid while unfolding an unprecedented response under the CFSP framework through eleven packages of sanctions against Russia

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Article 21 of the Convention on Cluster Munitions: Undermining the Cluster Prohibition?

A diplomatic conference leading to the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CoCM) was held on 30 May 2008 with the aim of banning the use of cluster munitions for all countries that ratified the Convention. Currently, 111 states are parties to the Convention and 12 are signatories. Despite the high number of participants in the treaty, success remains relative as some key major powers including the United States and Russia are missing. Furthermore, there is an important nuance reflected in the treaty concluded in Article 21, which explains that parties to the treaty are allowed to cooperate militarily with states that do use these weapons that are prohibited by the Convention (Convention on Cluster Munitions, 2008). Why is there controversy regarding the use of cluster munition and what are the consequences of Article 21 CoCM?

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Poland and The United Kingdom: An Increasingly Robust Partnership

The UK and Poland have what is currently being described as one of the closest partnerships within NATO (GOV.UK, 2022; Martin, 2023). This research paper will examine how this relationship has developed, with a special interest in the signing of the 2017 Treaty on Defence and Security Cooperation. The 2017 Treaty encouraged cooperation between the UK and Poland in a range of areas, including multiple agreements on exchanging military equipment and training of troops. These agreements became even more relevant, and arguably essential in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

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A Renewed Commitment to Security and Stability Abroad: the EU Extends the Mandate of Three Civilian Missions in Libya and Palestine

On June 26th, 2023, the Council of the EU unanimously extended the mandate of three civilian missions operating under the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) framework: the EU Integrated Border Management Assistance Mission in Libya (EUBAM Libya), the EU Integrated Border Management Assistance Mission at the Rafah Crossing Point (EUBAM Rafah), and the EU Police Mission in the Palestinian Territories (EUPOL COPPS). While the first mission was given a 2-year renewal, with its new deadline set on June 30th, 2025, the other two benefited from a one-year extension until June 30th, 2024, with a potential one-year extension. Most relevantly, the Council widened the scope of EUBAM Libya’s mandate, which now encapsulates ambitious objectives, such as the enhancement of state authorities and agencies’ border management capabilities, the fight against human trafficking and migrant smuggling, and counter-terrorism (Council of the EU, 2023).

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NATO’s Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) Becomes Operational

On June 19th, 2023, NATO’s Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) became operational (NATO, 2023a). DIANA is a platform which brings together representatives from state governments, private industry and academia to help innovators and businesses design start-ups and devise common standards to capitalise on emerging and disruptive technologies in accordance with NATO’s principles of responsible use, ranging from lawfulness and accountability to traceability and governability (DIANA, n.d.).

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