Read more about the article Unmanned Ground Forces: The Emergence of a New Industry in Europe and its Future Implications
Business Wire

Unmanned Ground Forces: The Emergence of a New Industry in Europe and its Future Implications

The recent decades have witnessed the rapid expansion of unmanned devices in the military sector, which have gotten more and more exposure in public debates and were increasingly used on the battlefield– from surveillance to drone strikes. The efficiency of this technology was once again proven during the short Nagorno-Karabakh war between September and November 2020, in which Azerbaijan deployed a great amount of drones against Armenia’s traditional forces, which heavily contributed to the latter’s defeat despite its easily-defendable mountainous geography.

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Read more about the article The First PESCO Strategic Review

The First PESCO Strategic Review

On the 20th of November 2020, the European Council approved the first PESCO Strategic Review (PSR), an assessment of the first initial phase (2018-2020) of the Permanent Structured Cooperation, and guideline for its second initial phase starting in 2021 and lasting until 2025. The PSR started in December 2019 and continued throughout 2020 at the level of the PESCO Secretariat.

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