Financial Intelligence Unit Structures Under Scrutiny: Potential for Misuse and Ethical and Legal Considerations

This paper discusses financial intelligence’s ethical and legal considerations and explores the potential for misuse within Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs). More in detail, it examines the handling of information by FIUs from a legal perspective while also analysing how the structure of FIUs could allow for undue political influence under certain conditions. As a consequence, the structures designated to prevent or detect financial crimes could become part of the adverse circle instead of fighting it. Understanding the extent to which this process could lead to detrimental effects is the primary focus of the present paper. The study begins by outlining the characteristics of FIUs. It then analyses the ethical and legal implications associated with their operations, emphasising the risks of misuse. The paper then shifts its focus to corrupt environments with a detailed examination of Argentina’s case. The final section draws conclusions based on the preceding analysis and discussions.

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Read more about the article The Bio-enhanced Soldier In International Law: Classification And Obligations

The Bio-enhanced Soldier In International Law: Classification And Obligations

Bio-enhanced soldiers are the result of natural human capabilities’ artificial enhancement through technological development for war purposes. Today, the bio-enhancement of soldiers is on the path to realisation. The research focuses on various areas to be improved, from situational awareness to resilience, to remote hardware control. Regarding the conventions or the “laws of war”, how could such enhancements be characterised under the current parameters of International Humanitarian Law (IHL), and with what obligations must they comply?

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