Defending International Law in Sudan.

Since gaining independence in 1956 from Britain and Egypt, Sudan has seen multiple revolutions and civil wars. Many violations of international law took place during these conflicts. It is worth examining the measures which the International Criminal Court (ICC) took to hold individuals accountable during the Bashir era of Sudan’s recent history. During this era, Sudan was the location of extreme violations of international law, including genocide and crimes against humanity (ICC).

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Legal Uncertainty Around the use of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems in International Armed Conflicts

Autonomous weapons systems incarnate one of the most debated evolution in warfare. War is based upon a simple negative definition of a lawful targets and the conduct of hostilities. Hence, only an authorised party can legally kill another according to the jus in bello. However, with the development of new technologies, legal questions arose around the use of lethal autonomous weapons systems in international or non-international conflicts.

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Read more about the article Modern Warfare Under the Laws of War
International Criminal Court building (2016) in The Hague, Oseveno, August 27, 2016 (Source:

Modern Warfare Under the Laws of War

Written by Christian Di Menna, Candela Fernández Gil-Delgado, Leandro Mendes Pereira and Aris VasilliouFrom the dawn of civilisation to today, war- fare has brought great destruction and terrible human suffering,…

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Read more about the article The Bio-enhanced Soldier In International Law: Classification And Obligations

The Bio-enhanced Soldier In International Law: Classification And Obligations

Bio-enhanced soldiers are the result of natural human capabilities’ artificial enhancement through technological development for war purposes. Today, the bio-enhancement of soldiers is on the path to realisation. The research focuses on various areas to be improved, from situational awareness to resilience, to remote hardware control. Regarding the conventions or the “laws of war”, how could such enhancements be characterised under the current parameters of International Humanitarian Law (IHL), and with what obligations must they comply?

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Read more about the article Artificial Intelligence in the Military

Artificial Intelligence in the Military

Advances in data, computer processing power, and machine learning have enabled the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) over the last two decades [1]. Consequently, AI technologies are becoming ubiquitous in daily life. Biometric authentication, mobile mapping and navigation systems, natural language processing, and targeted online marketing are a few of the many ways that this technology has been incorporated into daily life. It is little wonder, then, that AI also offers great military promise.

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