The European Defence Fund and COVID-19: how will the pandemic affect cooperation in EU innovation?

For the better part of the last two years, the world has been embroiled in the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated financial drain, leading to the expectation that many Member States’ GDP will decrease, leaving fewer funds available to cover increasingly large budgetary priorities. This will necessarily lead to cuts in the spending envisaged before the pandemic hit. In that light, defence expenditure has historically been particularly vulnerable, as is readily demonstrated by the 2008 economic crisis, which saw a decrease of between 30% and 8% in Member States’ defence spending (Mölling, 2020, 2). This is a particularly troubling trend for the aspirations of technological autonomy for the EU, which requires the constant deployment of funds and does not include any immediate security threat needing containment. Particularly vulnerable is the European Defence Fund (EDF), a programme that provides funds for cooperative research and technology (R&T) projects between the industries of at least three Member States. Its initial proposal of €13 billion in 2018 has already been cut to €8 billion (Brzozowski, Euractiv, 2020) in the wake of the pandemic, which corresponds to a 38% decrease.

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Swarms of multi-legged robots overcome difficult land challenges 

Currently, ground-based robots are accustomed to moving in relatively simple environments due to their lack of locomotor capacity needed to traverse more complex terrain. For this reason, robotics engineer Yasemin Ozkan-Aydin, Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Notre Dame, drew inspiration from the collective behaviour of ants, bees, and birds to solve problems and overcome obstacles to develop collaborative legged robots mimicking their counterparts from the natural world.

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Defending The EU Against Cyber Operations Mechanisms, Challenges And Cooperation With NATO

The security of the cybersphere, both on a national and international level, has always been threatened by the actions and crimes committed by malicious cyber operators. The sophistication and the potential pervasiveness of their cyber threats have attracted the attention of various States and international organisations, including the European Union (EU) and NATO, prompting further cooperation and the provision of effective legal instruments for the protection of cyberspace and its users.

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The Withdrawal from Afghanistan: a Renewed Push for the Creation of a Common EU force

On the 15th of September 2021, during the annual State of the Union speech in front of the European Parliament (EP) in Strasbourg, the European Commission (EC) President Ursula von der Leyen commented on the recent events in Afghanistan, which culminated in the toppling of the Presidency of Ashraf Ghani after the conquest of Kabul by the Taliban. The crisis was exacerbated by the end of the Western military missions in the country, Operation Freedom’s Sentinel (the U.S. mission which replaced the previous Operation Enduring Freedom in 2015) and the NATO-led multinational Resolute Support Mission, which had operated in Afghanistan since 2015 as the successor of the International Security Assistance Force.

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The Evolution of the Augmented Soldier 

The history of the augmented soldier dates back to antiquity and the founding of the con- ventional military structure of people groups. These examples persist throughout histori- cal development and contribute towards the comprehension and intersplicing of military doctrine with the training of the rank-and-file soldier. These examples, when analysed, aid in developing a comprehensive overview of the evolutionary integration and development of the contemporary conventional land forces soldier. From ancient Sparta to Rome, aug- mentation of combat-ready troops has been progressively developed, along with equip- ment and biological aids used to further this military mandate aim.

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