Poland’s Military Surge: Strategic Investments and Recent Developments in Polish Armed Forces

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Poland has been among the most active countries in supporting its eastern neighbour to halt the advance of Russian forces and to conduct its counteroffensive. This decision was consistent with Polish strategic objectives, allowing Poland to launch its modernisation project and expand its military capabilities. Although Poland’s strategic rationales vary depending on the political stance of its elites (Pawłuszko, 2022), there are three common denominators: the intent to deter Russia, the need to secure US support, and the ambition to become the Central-Eastern European region’s leading power.  Poland considers strengthening its armed forces as essential for achieving these goals. In fact, Warsaw aspires to build the most potent European land force by the beginning of 2026 (Tilles, 2023). While this objective is ambitious, the Russian invasion has catalysed the modernisation of the Polish military and its arms industry (Cucino & Scarazzato, 2023).This paper will address Poland’s recent strategic investments, aimed at developing multiple components of its armed forces, including land, air, sea, drone, and anti-missile forces, and analyse the potential challenges that such a rapid upgrade and amplification of its military capabilities entail.

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Terrorist Attack in Belgium in 2023: National Security, Resilience and the Role of the Army

Belgium has been a target of terrorist attacks in recent years. The country faced its largest terrorist attack in 2016 at Brussels Airport in Zaventem and at the Maelbeek/Maalbeek metro station. This incident prompted Belgium to revise its national security strategy, focusing on addressing threats related to terrorism and extremism.

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Training a New Generation of Soldiers: the Use of Simulation Systems in the Swedish Armed Forces

Since armies existed, countries faced the need to train them. In fact, the level of training and the modernisation of the equipment, tactics, morale, and other factors less reliant on human capital determine an army’s strength. This article aims at underlying how training techniques for the military are currently undergoing the biggest leap forward they have witnessed since the adoption of firearms. Here the author will take advantage of this topic to present his first-hand experience with modern-day military training techniques involving simulators.

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The European Union’s fight against disinformation

Disinformation is not a new phenomenon, however, digital communications have changed the speed at which information travels. The easiness with which false information can be spread has made the European Union (EU) vulnerable during the Covid-19 pandemic. Since then, the EU has taken steps to respond to these challenges.

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The Re-Emergence of Unmanned Ground Vehicles in Army Modernisation Efforts

The dawn of the new century seemed to promise an impending revolution in modern warfare in which unmanned, weaponised systems could augment the capabilities or even replace human elements from the battlefield. The use of unmanned systems in parallel or in lieu of human units factors would not only diversify and augment current military capabilities but also reduce the human risks of operating in hostile environments, even allowing to act in otherwise inaccessible scenarios.

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