A historical record: Estonia’s 2022 defence budget increases to 2.3% of the GDP

Estonia will reach a historical record in terms of defence spending next year. In 2022, a total of €748 million will be allocated to NATO-related expenditures, routine defence expenses, plus the acquisition and development of new capabilities. The budget will represent 2.31% of the forecasted GDP for the Baltic republic.

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Kamikaze drones might soon change the battlefield landscape

Loitering munitions are nothing new on the battlefield, but cheaper versions could soon be a game-changer. They first started to appear in the 1980s as Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD) weapons, and they were soon dubbed as “suicide drones” and “kamikaze drones”.

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5 Priorities of the new British Chief of Defence

Tony Radakin, who served as First Sea Lord of the UK Royal Navy and Naval Service from June 2019 to November 2021, was appointed Chief of the Defence Staff of the British Armed Forces by Prime Minister Boris Johnson on 30 November 2021.

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Special Operations units and armed forces of the US and Greece form new defence agreement on strategic cooperation

The US armed forces and the Armed Forces of Greece have increasingly made a greater effort of military cooperation and training in Greece, a country of key geo-political relevance within the region of Europe to help enhance the defence capabilities.

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A Shift Towards Sovereign EU Military Capabilities? The Eurodrone Project Awaits Final Signature

On 30 November, the chief Eurodrone engineer for Airbus Defence and Space announced that the launching of the Eurodrone construction was imminent as the project was only missing Spain’s signature. Enshrined in PESCO projects, the appellation “Eurodrone” refers to Europe’s premier unmanned aerial system programme, a medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) remotely piloted aircraft system.

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