Sweden Signs Deal for Advanced Thermal Weapon Sights

The Swedish Ministry of Defence has awarded a $50 million worth public tender to Leonardo DRS for the supply of thermal weapon sights. The American company will provide Sweden with more than 4600 infrared Individual Weapon Sights (IWS), including weapon-mounted sights, designed both for small guns (3,100 units) and for long-range arms, such as heavy machine guns and sniper rifles (1500 units).

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Polish Defence and modernization push: HIMARS

On May 26, Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Błaszczak announced that he had begun the process of acquiring 500 U.S.-made long-range weapon systems, known as High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), to crown the military modernization program. Lieutenant Colonel Krzysztof Płatek, spokesman for the Armaments Agency, added that the technology transfer will be for an internal Polish effort known as HOMAR.

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Poland Gears Up with new M1 Abrams Tanks

Amidst the war between Ukraine and Russia, Poland obtained 116 Abrams Tanks after sealing the deal with the United States, which constitutes the supplier.

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France Arms Itself with the Kamikaze Drones

On June 21, the French officials confirmed their intent to purchase the US-made loitering munitions to strengthen the at-a-distance weapon system.

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EU’s Last-Ditch Attempt to Revive Iran Nuclear Deal Bears Results

After the perceived April deadlock in the indirect nuclear talks between Iran and the United States under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) format, the EU has made a last-ditch effort to move the ball forward again, per an EU official. As one of the signatories, the EU is the only acceptable intermediary for Iran and the US after US President Trump pulled the plug on the deal in 2018, and the Iranians subsequently refused to hold direct talks with the Americans ever since. Since 2021, the JCPOA participants have attempted to revive the deal but diplomatic talks have stalled numerous times. In the talks, the prominent bone of contention revolves around which Iranian demands are within the scope of the JCPOA.

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