Read more about the article Nuclearisation and Militarisation Saga: Russia is Testing a Nuclear Torpedo in the Arctic
Google Earth 2021

Nuclearisation and Militarisation Saga: Russia is Testing a Nuclear Torpedo in the Arctic

Russia is displaying an unprecedented military might in the Arctic region by testing its newest nuclear torpedo in a region currently freed from ice due to climate change. This is part of a chain of actions to secure its northern coast as the Arctic terrain is becoming a key issue for security, especially for Russia and the United States.

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Read more about the article Italian – French Cooperation for the Development of a New Air Defence System

Italian – French Cooperation for the Development of a New Air Defence System

Italy and France are committed to developing a new generation of air defence missile system. On 19 March 2021, the Director of the Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation (OCCAR), Admiral Matteo Bisceglia, signed the contract with the Italian French consortium Eurosam for the development of the next generation of surface-to-air medium-range defence system SAMP/T NG. The agreement involving the industries of these two countries was signed at the Paris office of the OCCAR on behalf of the Italian SEGREDIFESA/DNA and the French Direction Générale de l’Armement.

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Read more about the article Towards Europeanised Arms Export Control?

Towards Europeanised Arms Export Control?

In 2019, the military expenditure of the European Union had increased for the fifth year in a row. The EU’s total military expenditure of €186 billion corresponds to 1.4% of the EU’s Gross Domestic Product. In the same year, the European Union arms export represented a value of over €5 billion. This makes the EU the third biggest military spender and the second biggest arms exporter in the world.

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Read more about the article New Methods of Warfare and the Challenges to Liberal Democratic Constitutions

New Methods of Warfare and the Challenges to Liberal Democratic Constitutions

The constitution of a state is the legal document that sets out the principles and organisation of the polity and decides upon its governance. Every state has a set of rules that governs its decision-making. Principles, such as rights that protect citizens, can be found along with provisions pertaining to decision-making. This is especially true in liberal democracies. However, decision-making regarding use of force and human rights has come under pressure by new forms of warfare. Amongst these are cyber warfare and autonomous weapons.

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