Decarbonization in the Defence Sector: Framework and Green Technologies

This Info Flash analyses the environmental concerns that have climbed to the top of the international agenda. The armed forces and the defence sector as a whole are not exempt from this trend. Moreover, the defence sector's environmental footprint is massive, making it necessary for the armed services to devise new policies and activities targeted at minimizing this footprint. These changes represent both a threat to military institutions and an opportunity to implement new technologies that can improve operational and military capabilities (Duncan, 2023). Understanding the effects of climate change, thus, is critical for gaining a knowledge advantage. The military has to understand how climate change and shifting climatic conditions affect strategy and operational conduct. Extreme weather events, for example, may have an impact not only on the operability of military capabilities but also on their efficiency and military installations as a whole. In the future, we are also expected to witness more conflicts caused by climate change, for which security agencies will need to prepare (Wigell & Hakala, 2022).

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A Step Forward for EU as a Defense Actor: The Jointly Procurement of Ammunition for Ukraine

This Info Flash analysis how from the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war, the European Union member states took several steps against the Russian government, especially in terms of individual and economic sanctions to publicly condemn the illegal and unjustified aggression of February 2022. This war has been recognized as a wake-up call for the EU, which - for the first time - devoted funds for the supply of lethal weapons to a third country. Specifically, the European Peace Facility (EPF) has become the most important budget tool for the EU to implement a number of active military operations and assistance missions. The latest project put forward by the EU—and partially connected to the EPF—has been a three-track proposal meant to collectively provide Ukraine with additional artillery ammunition. Despite the criticism and doubts that have been raised on the subject, this Info Flash represents a landmark juncture for the EU in terms of military and defence efforts.

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Approaching the 10th Anniversary of Yaoundé – Lessons for Regional Actors in Securing Meaningful Peace in the Gulf of Guinea

This Info Flash approaches the Yaoundé Code of Conduct and its Architecture, taking stock of their impact on maritime security and safety in the Gulf of Guinea. The Code is a multilateral maritime security framework that coordinates State and regional involvement in combatting piracy, kidnapping and robbery in the Gulf of Guinea (Code, 2013, p. 1). To complement this strategy, the EU adopted its maritime security strategy in 2014, which sought to enhance the Code’s implementation and compliance (EU External Actions Service 2021). This was further supported by international partners such as the G7++ Friends of Gulf of Guinea (FoGG), the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) (Côrte-Real 2022, p.69). As a result, this Info Flash will provide a brief overview of the impact of these regional initiatives and elaborate recommendations, coastal states and their partners should consider as we approach the 10th anniversary in June 2023.

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Going Against Machiavelli: Russia’s Increasing Reliance on Mercenaries

This Info Flash examines the recent history and attempts to regulate mercenaries on national and international levels, the history of Russian mercenaries, and the implications of the use of mercenaries in Ukraine. There is a focus on the Wagner Group, which has grown in importance due to the group’s recent size increase and its leadership’s growing influence in the Kremlin. Targeting these groups through their finances and contracts is a good way for the West to counter their activities in Africa and the Middle East.

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Attrition in Ukraine: Where Kyiv Stands After One Year

This Info Flash presents how the Russo-Ukrainian War has devolved into a war of attrition. With material in short supply, Ukraine depends heavily on foreign contributions to maintain the war effort. Furthermore, loss in revenue from decreased production, exports, and taxes leads to massive deficits for the national government. Post-war reconstruction is also expected to be expensive, requiring significant external assistance. As a result, while continuous military and economic support from NATO, the EU, and others is essential to Ukraine, it will be important for countries to increase the necessary defence production to maintain their stockpiles and to plan for continued financial assistance for the duration of the war and following its conclusion.

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