U.S. Integrated Deterrence and Europe’s Strategic Autonomy: Issues for Deterring Russia

The Ukraine war has had a myriad of geopolitics outputs in Europe, from grain commerce, energy supply, and to defence architecture of the continent. For the latter concept, it is well known that the United States plays a significant role in the deterrence equation through NATO (NATO, 2022). Nevertheless, the situation before Russian aggression is likely to change, and the burden of forward posture efforts from the different allies will be realigned.

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The Sahel Crisis – What is Happening in Niger? Foreign Actors and Further Developments.

Today, Niger hosts Niger Air Base 201—the US’s largest drone base (Jones, 2023), located in the city of Agadez—which is used to monitor extremist groups (Gordon, 2023), and to which, “as a precautionary measure” (Mitchell, 2023) after 26 July, the US repositioned a portion of its personnel. Following the coup, which the US only acknowledged as such on 10 October (Miller, 2023), monitoring drone flights were suspended; as of mid-September, they have slowly and discreetly resumed (Gordon, 2023).

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Is the Western Support for Ukraine Beginning to Falter? – Cracks from the US and Eastern Europe

Some of the most consequential NATO member states (MSs) which have played a major role in providing financial, military, and humanitarian aid to Kyiv since the beginning of the Ukrainian war, are now reassessing their position in this conflict. Having been the leading forces in sustaining the Ukrainian military effort against the Russian military, they are now displaying a decreasing tendency to continue on the path followed until now.

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The Sahel Crisis – What is Happening in Niger? A First Look

On 26 July 2023, the military seized power in Niger. General Abdourahamane Tchiani, leader of the Presidential Guard, declared himself head of state, completing the second coup d’état that the country has seen in the last decade, and the fifth since its independence. Four days later, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) issued a one-week ultimatum to the junta: they demanded that President Mohamed Bazoum be restored to power, threatening to impose sanctions and to “use military force in Niger if necessary”.

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Is the United Nations Security Council’s Practice of Authorising CSDP’s Military Operations Incompatible with the EU’s Ambition to Become a Major Player in the International Arena? The Demand for a new Legitimacy for CSDP deployments.

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is authorised to take action in accordance with international law, including resorting to the use of armed force, in order to address threats to international peace and security (Article 42 of the United Nations Charter). The collaboration between the European Union (EU) and the relevant parties has played a pivotal role in upholding world peace and security and this partnership is merely one facet of the various modes of cooperation established between these two entities.

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