What are the Potential Ramifications of a Digital Euro Upon the Defense Sector

This Info Flash outlines the digitalization of China’s currency in 2021, opening the question of if the United States and the EU would respond to this shift with their own digital currencies. As a result, both the EU and the US are designing, debating and experimenting with their own versions of a central bank digital currency. Few discussions exist concerning the potential impacts on national defence industries within Europe, and as a result, there is a need to understand what potential consequences and benefits the digital currency transition could bring to the defence sector.

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Negotiations between Poland and Ukraine culminated in an agreement to send Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine

This Info Flash is aimed at outlining the current motions in the extremely sensible relationship between the European Union (EU) and Ukraine. The current developments are very much centred on Germany and Poland’s cooperation that is becoming more and more expressive with some of the particular military aid that these countries plan to send to Ukraine. Poland and Germany have determined that Ukraine deserves more profound military help and support from the EU and its members states (Radford, 2023). However, this hot topic about the Leopard tanks is debatable and controversial because of its urgency, and equally because of its importance in terms of its effects on EU-Russia relations.

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Third EU-NATO Joint Declaration signed on 10th January 2023

On 10th January 2023, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg; the President of the European Council, Charles Michel; and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen signed the 3rd EU-NATO Joint Declaration in Brussels. The first and second joint declarations between the EU and NATO were signed in 2016 and 2018 respectively.

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Lessons of Operation Barkhane for Future European Engagement in the Sahel

On August 15, 2022, the last French soldiers involved in Operation Barkhane left Malian territory. The operation began nearly a decade earlier and had the primary objective of fighting against terrorist groups in the region (Burgess, 2018, p. 5). The situation in Mali, however, appears worse now than before. Jihadist violence continues to escalate, anti-Western sentiment runs rampant, and Russian Wagner mercenaries have established a firm footing in the country.

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Russian Tactical Nuclear Weapons Use and Deterrence Over Ukraine

Written by Octavio Bellomo Edited by Tomas Farinha Carney The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has brought with it new concerns regarding the possible use of nuclear weapons. Considering NATO’s notable…

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