Read more about the article Blockchain in defence: a breakthrough?

Blockchain in defence: a breakthrough?

Written by  Quintin Audrey,  Vanholme Robin, Wauters Gilles and Georges Clementz Blockchain is set to radically change our way of life in the coming decades...

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Read more about the article Great Power Competition in the Arctic
U.S. Air Force by Tech. Sgt. Efren Lopez

Great Power Competition in the Arctic

Written by Julien Dalman, Alexandre Delepierre, Camille De Sutter, Gaultier Fort and Alberto Rizzi The Arctic is rapidly becoming the next frontier for great power competition. Melting icecaps are allowing for the extraction...

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Read more about the article The EU and China: military and geopolitical challenges
Photo by Xie Liang, Chen Zhigang, Xu Cong and Liu Maoxi

The EU and China: military and geopolitical challenges

Written by Audrey Quintin, Sabrina Blasi and Robin Vanholme As the deleterious effects of Covid-19 will probably affect trends in world military expenditure, European defence-spending plans will certainly not represent an exception...

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Read more about the article The Syrian conflict: A security dilemma for the European Neighbourhood Policy
Airstrikes in Syria

The Syrian conflict: A security dilemma for the European Neighbourhood Policy

As part of its global security strategy, the EU launched the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership with the 1995 Barcelona Declaration, as a framework for dialogue and cooperation towards achieving peace and security in the Mediterranean region. To complement this partnership, the EU established the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) in 2004, initially to foster good relations with Mediterranean and Middle Eastern neighbours, including Syria.

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Read more about the article Serbian Military Expenditure: a Barrier to EU Membership

Serbian Military Expenditure: a Barrier to EU Membership

As stability in the Western Balkans is a priority for EU policymakers, it is necessary to examine the causes of military expansion in the region, and the effects of the phenomenon for the EU accession process.

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